Add in the geo you want to put fur onto. Generally to keep things simple you want to have hair simulation done on a smaller amount of guide hairs, then run another hair generate on those guides to have a dense amount of hair without simming every single strand.
Hair Generate:
Can generate hair from scratch or generate more hair off of guides.
Guide Process:
Procedural hair changes, like randomizing hair length, setting hair direction, etc. As much as you can, try to use procedural methods to alter your hair shape since point numbers will shift if you add or subtract hair strands.
Hair Clump:
Clumps the hair, can also introduce curling.
Generating fur in Houdini with Vellum, then exporting it to Maya for render in Redshift with RS Proxies.
To access Redshift in Houdini, you have to have specific versions of Houdini and Redshift downloaded. See page here to connect builds of Houdini and Redshift.
Generate vellum groom in Redshift as normal. Important notes:
In the Redshift OBJ tab in the Object lebel, check on Render Object as Strands, Strand Type: Strip
Turn on Shade Open Curves In Viewport if you don’t want your groom to show up in viewport as one giant white blob.
In the Redshift Proxy Output SOP, uncheck Discard the Not Used Attributes box.